21 research outputs found

    Determinants of the Children Intention to Consume Fast Food Products

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    Children are unique and also potential market because they usually do not spend their own money but they have a hugepurchasing power through their parents. They are potential market, because from the number of kids in the market andtheir spending are big and promising. There are three types of kids market: first, children as the primary markets;second, children as the influencer market which emphasizing on the influence of children assert on family purchases.Third, because the children will grow up, then we can consider children as the future market. Based on the abovedescriptions, the authors intent to identify the determinants of children intention to consume such as productcharacteristics, reference group, retail environment and promotion, and create a questionnaire for the children anddevelop hypothesis using these study findings. The data obtained from the field using survey method was used to test allthe hypotheses empirically. Based on the research findings, we came to conclusion that the promotion has a greater andimportant effect in developing intention of children\u27s consumption. These initial findings will be used intentionally inanother study which is try to find out the relationship between children intention to consume and their commitment tofuture market as they grown up and second objective of this study is to develop an initial and appropriate questionnairefor the children which we realize is different from questionnaire for the adult people

    Kajian Awal Prospek Bahan Galian Monasit Di Kendawangan Kalimantan Barat

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    Daerah Kendawangan termasuk dalam cakupan area geologi regional Ketapang yang teridentifikasi mengandung endapan mineral radioaktif berupa monasit yang mengandung uranium (U), thorium (Th) dan unsur tanah jarang (REE). Hasil analisis butir contoh mineral berat menunjukkan kandungan butiran mineral monasit mencapai 63% dan zirkon mencapai 40%, hasil analisis butiran dari contoh batuan terdapat contoh mengandung monasit 0,11%. Kajian ini dilakukan terhadap data sekuder yang mencakup aspek geologi, batuan sumber, perangkap dan interpretasi sebaran endapan plaser mineral berat mengandung monasit dan zirkon. Tujuan yang ingin diperoleh adalah karakter geologi dan sebaran sumberdaya bahan galian monasit dan zircon. Batuan sumber bahan galian monasit, berupa granit berumur 77–15 juta (Yura – Kapur Akhir), termasuk tipe S dari kelompok granit alkali yang terbentuk pada fasa pegmatitik (pegmatitic stage) yang terdefrensiasi tingkat lanjut pada suhu 550 °C–600 °C. Granit mempunyai nilai radioaktivitas anomali 400 c/s - 9200 c/s dengan mineral penciri berupa K-felspar, kuarsa dan plagioklas, mineral penyerta berupa thorit, monasit, zirkon dan alanit. Kadar uranium batuan granit berkisar dari 2,5 ppm - 64,8 ppm. Sebaran lateral endapan plaser aluvial mengandung monasit menempati dataran lembah banjir antar perbukitan, mengkuti pola sebaran batuan granit. Daerah prospek monasit terletak pada dataran lembah banjir seluas 225.040 Ha terdistribusi di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Sungai Kendawangan (107.800 Ha), DAS Sungai Airtanah dingin (27.610 Ha), DAS Sungai Tapah (42.010 Ha) dan DAS Sungai Naning (45.010 Ha). Daerah potensial tersebut merupakan target prospeksi bahan galian pada tahap penelitian lapangan selanjutnya. Kendawangan areas is included in the regional geological coverage area of Ketapang that is identified have monazite deposits with radioactive minerals contain is uranium (U), thorium (Th) and rare earth element (REE). Results of grain counting analysis shows the content of the mineral monazite and zircon in heavy mineral grains reached 63% to 40% (of total grains), the analysis of rock samples contained grains of 0.11% monazite. The study was conducted on secondary data covering aspects of geology, source rock, traps and interpretation of heavy mineral distribution placer contain monazite and zircon. Objectives to be obtained is information about the character of the geology and distribution of monazite mineral resources with Thorium-contain and zircon. Source rock of monazite minerals is a granite 77-150 million age (Jurassic - Late Cretaceous), including the S type of the alkaline granites, formed in pegmatitic stage which advanced differentiated at a temperature 550-6000C. The anomalous radioactivity of Granite has a value of 400 c/s-9200 c/s with the characterized minerals are K-feldspar, quartz and plagioclase, minerals accompanying the form as thorite, monazite, zircon and alanite. Uranium range of the granitic rocks is 2.5 ppm - 64.8 ppm. The lateral distribution of alluvial deposits containing monazite placer occupy at flood plains valley between of hilly land area 225,040 Ha, obeying the distribution pattern of granitic rocks. Monazite propek area lies in the valley flood plain of the watershed at Sungai Kendawangan (107,800 Ha), Sungai Airtanah dingin (27,610 Ha), Sungai Tapah (42,010 Ha) dan Sungai Naning (45,010 Ha).The potential is area target to ore deposit prospection at the next stage field investigation

    Studi Deposit Monasit Dan Zirkon Dalam Batuan Kuarter Di Daerah Cerucuk Belitung

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    Secara geologis daerah penelitian terletak dalam sebaran granit dalam satu jalur timah Malaysia, Bangka-Belitung, Karimata yang mengandung mineral monasit. Monasit, adalah salah satu mineral radioaktif yang mengandung uranium (U), thorium (Th), unsur tanah jarang (REE) dalam ikatan phospat. Konsentrat mineral berat yang mengandung monasit 2,719 % memiliki nilai radioaktivitas 3000 c/s. Analisis petrografi batuan granit mengandung mineral monasit 1-2 % dengan radioaktivitas 200 – 400 c/s. Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui daerah prospek sebaran monasit dan zirkon pada area 100 km2. Hasil penelitian di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan monasit terdapat dalam pasir dan lempung sebagai endapan aluvial yang berasal batuan granit. Indikasi tersebut tercermin pada hasil pengukuran radioaktivitas soil/ aluvial berkisar antara 50 – 375 c/s, pengukuran radioaktivitas mineral berat (MB) berkisar antara 50 – 150 c/s pada beberapa titik lokasi ditemukan nilai radioaktivitas tinggi berkisar antara 250 – 1.000 c/s dengan nilai latar 25 – 150 c/s, memiliki kadar Th (100 – 6.545 ppm) dan kadar U (15 – 639,4 ppm). Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah potensial monasit dan zirkon seluas 31.680.000 m2. Geologically the study area lies in the distribution of granite in a single lane of Malaysian tin, Bangka-Billiton, Karimata which is containing monazite mineral monazite.Monazite is one of the radioactive minerals containing uranium (U), thorium (Th), rare earth element (REE) in phosphate bonds. Heavy minerals sample that containing monazite 2.719% has radioactivity value until 3000 c/s. Petrographic analysis of granitic rocks contain minerals monazite 1-2% with radioactivity 200-400 c/s. Based on these considerations, it is necessary to for further research in the development and assessment of prospects for mineral monazite. The Objectives to be achieved isobjective to be achieved is to localize the prospect area distribution of monazite and zircon in the area of ​​100 km2. The results of field studies showed that the presence of monazite contained in the sand, clay as alluvial deposits derived granitic rocks. Indications are reflected in the results of radioactivity measurements of soil / alluvial ranged between 50-375 c/s, measurement of radioactivity of heavy minerals (MB) ranged between 50-150 c/s at some point discovered the location of high radioactivity values ​​ ranged between 250-1000 c/s with background value of 25-150 c/s and dan contains Th (100 – 6.545 ppm) serta contains U (15 – 639,4 ppm). The results show that in the study area indicates that the potential for monazite and zircon area ​​31,680,000 m2

    Interpretasi Deposit Uranium Berdasarkan Data Tahanan Jenis Dan Polarisasi Terinduksi Di Sektor Rabau Hulu

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    Daerah Rabau Hulu, Kalan, Kalimantan Barat merupakan daerah potensial uranium yang telah dieksplorasi secara detil dengan berbagai metode. Metode tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dapat diterapkan dalam eksplorasi deposit uranium yang mineralisasinya berasosiasi dengan mineral sulfida. Pengolahan, analisis, dan interpretasi data tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dilakukan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi sebaran deposit uranium dan litologi batuan di daerah penelitian. Deposit uranium di daerah Rabau Hulu pada umumnya berasosiasi dengan sulfida, turmalin, dan terdapat dalam batuan favourable. Indikasi mineralisasi uranium dijumpai dalam bentuk-bentuk tidak teratur dan tidak merata yang terdiri atas mineral uraninit, pirit, kalkopirit, pirhotit, molibdenit, dan ilmenit. Pengambilan data menggunakan konfigurasi dipole-dipole pada area sekitar 36 hektare, terdiri atas 46 lintasan dengan panjang + 425 m. Pengambilan data polarisasi terinduksi dalam kawasan frekuensi dengan titik dan lintasan yang sama dengan data tahanan jenis. Pengolahan data menghasilkan nilai tahanan jenis dan faktor logam yang selanjutnya dibuat penampang 2 dimensi. Penentuan nilai tahanan jenis dan polarisasi terinduksi dilakukan dengan mengkorelasi data sumur bor dengan hasil pengolahan data. Tahanan jenis pada zona deposit uranium bernilai kurang dari 2.000 Ωm dan nilai faktor logamnya lebih besar dari 90 mho/m. Zona deposit uranium ini semakin meluas seiring dengan kedalaman. Distribus deposit uranium berarah barat daya–timur laut dan berbentuk lensa. Rabau Hulu area, Kalan, Kalimantan Barat is a potential area of uranium that has been explored in detail by various methods. Methods of resistivity and induced polarization can be applied in the exploration of uranium deposits in which its mineralization associated with sulphide minerals. Processing, analysis, and interpretation of resistivity and induced polarization data conducted in order to identify the distribution of uranium deposits and lithology of the rocks in the study area. Uranium deposits in the area Rabau Hulu is generally associated with sulphides, tourmaline and contained in favorable rocks. Symptoms of uranium mineralization encountered in other forms of irregular and uneven consists of uraninite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, and ilmenite minerals. Data acquisition using dipole-dipole configuration in an area of ​​approximately 36 hectares, 46 lines along + 425 m. Acquisition of induced polarization frequency domain data which the same points and lines with resistivity data. Data processing produces resistivity and metal factor values and subsequently made two-dimensional section. Determination of resistivity and induced polarization are done by correlated boreholes data with the results of data processing. Resistivity of uranium deposits zone worth less than 2,000 Ωm and the value of metal factor greater than 90 mho/m. Uranium deposit zone is expanding along with the depth. Uranium deposits distribution trending Southwestern-Northeast and shaped lens

    Manfaat Penggunaan "Exit - Trap" dalam Penilaian Padat Populasi Vektor Malaria Anopheles Aconitus di Kandang pada Malam Hari

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    Exit-traps were used to estimate the density of the malaria vector Anopheles aconitus in cattle shel­ters in five localities near Semarang, Central Java, from Mei 1980 to October 1981. Collections of resting mosquitoes in two cattle shelters by aspirator during the same period were used as a comparison. Results indicate that exit trap, were less productive compared to mosquito collection in cattle shelters using aspirators. However, weekly fluctuations of densities obtained from exit-traps and from cattle shelters are the same pattern and both showed a significantly positive correlations. Most of An. aconitus caught in exit traps are blood fed and very few gravid, these supports the theory that this species is highly exophilic

    Apakah Prostitusi di Indonesia Dapat Dihilangkan?

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi motivasi individu untuk meninggalkan prostitusi di Indonesia. Penelitian menganalisis pengaruh kepribadian terhadap niat meninggalkan prostitusi yang dimoderasi umur, karena kepribadian sebagai variabel yang mempengaruhi niat meninggalkan prostitusi dan umur sebagai variabel moderasi belum terjelaskan dalam penelitian sebelumnya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 responden, dan analisis data menggunakan SEM. Hipotesis penelitian bahwa niat meninggalkan prostitusi dapat diprediksi melalui ciri-ciri kepribadian (conscientiousness dan extraversion), dan tidak dapat diprediksi melalui ciri-ciri kepribadian (openess, agreeableness, dan neurotcism), sebelum dimoderasi umur. Setelah dimoderasi umur, niat meninggalkan prostitusi pada kelompok umur muda, niat meninggalkan prostitusi tidak dapat diprediksi oleh ciri-ciri kepribadian (openess, agreeableness, neurotcism, conscientiousness dan extraversion). Pada kelompok umur tua, niat meninggalkan prostitusi dapat diprediksi melalui ciri-ciri kepribadian (openess, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness dan extraversion)